

Vikram Shroff

Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee

Very few legal fields face the revolutionary changes that employment and industrial relations laws do. Issues such as technology, human rights, globalisation, corporate citizenship and increased movements of people have created unprecedented legal complexity as they interact with traditional laws often formulated decades ago. As the largest of the Human Resource Section Committees of the IBA, the purpose of the Committee is the identification, technical analysis and proactive management of national, regional and global developments in these rapidly evolving fields. The Committee takes a ‘cutting edge’ approach to its selection of topics and speakers and draws upon the combined experience of its officers and panellists to present the members with innovative solutions to the employment law problems of today.

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Digital nomads – the inevitable ‘to do list’ for employers

The phenomenon of ‘work from anywhere’ (WFA) engagements, specifically digital nomads, has significantly increased since and due to the Covid-19 crisis. However, employers have yet to keep up with the pace and take control of it. WFA is not merely a romantic phenomenon but rather a situation that requires prior careful legal analysis and preparation. This article analyses and tackles this growing method of engagement, demonstrating the importance of a comprehensive policy to regulate it for the benefit of both employers and employees. As always, knowledge provides power.

Released on Jun 23, 2023

ESG and modern slavery in Brazil: what should companies know?

The ‘S’ pillar in ESG focuses on practices related to diversity, anti-discrimination, health and safety in the workplace, and modern slavey. The eradication of modern slavery is one of the most important aspects for companies to consider, especially in Brazil where labour authorities have been paying great attention to modern slavery in supply chains.

Released on Jun 20, 2023

Employment and Industrial Relations Law Editor's note

Welcome to the summer 2023 e-bulletin from the IBA Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee.

Released on Jun 20, 2023

The rise in popularity of employer of record arrangements and global working from a UK perspective

This article analyses the current rise in popularity of the employer of record model and the challenges this can present from a UK employment law perspective.

Released on Jun 20, 2023


Subcommittees and other groups

The Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Compensation and Benefits Subcommittee
  • Presidential Task Force Against Human Trafficking