Scholarships and Awards

Conference Scholarships

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IBA Annual Conference Scholarships

Each year the International Bar Association (IBA), the world's largest international organisation of law societies, bar associations and individual lawyers engaged in transitional law, holds an Annual Conference, which attracts the participation of some 6000 lawyers from more than 100 jurisdictions.

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IBA Developing Bar Programme Scholarship

The IBA provides a scholarship programme to several selected International Bar Associations and Law Societies located in developing countries, by which these associations and societies, in turn, are able to offer young lawyers (up to and including the age of 35) within their jurisdiction, the opportunity to participate in the IBA Annual Conference.

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Women Lawyers' Committee Conference Scholarships

The Women Lawyers' Committee offers scholarships to young lawyers who wish to attend their biennial conference, covering conference fees, a contribution to economy travel costs and accommodation.


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With the aim of providing interactive and educational opportunities to the growing international legal community, the Sections of the Legal Practice and Public and Professional Interest Divisions of the IBA offer annual opportunities for young lawyers from around the world to apply for scholarships and to be nominated for awards that recognise outstanding individuals in the legal profession.

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Annual IBA Pro Bono Award

The Annual IBA Pro Bono Awards its prestigious Pro Bono Award to lawyers who are leading our profession in building a pro bono culture. The award is free to enter and it is open to all lawyers, whether or not they are members of the IBA.

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Annual IBA Outstanding Young Lawyer

The IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee, in recognition of William Reece JR, annually present an award to a young lawyer who has shown not only excellence in their work and achievements in their career to date, but also a commitment to professional and ethical standards.

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IBA Award for Outstanding Contribution by a Legal Practitioner to Human Rights

Each year the IBA presents an award to an outstanding lawyer in the world of human rights law.

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IBA Outstanding International Woman Lawyer

The Women Lawyers' Committee presents its award biennially to a leading female lawyer.

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SEERIL Law Studies Scholarships

SEERIL awards an amount of up to 18,000 (divided amongst successful applicants) to pursue post-graduate studies that may involve master, PhD or post-doctoral research topics in the energy and natural resources field.

This scholarship is open to all students free of charge.

The Scholarship is open for submission of applications between January and March each year and it is generally awarded during the months of June/July.