the Implications of the Internal Market Bill for the rule of law in the United Kingdom

The Implications of the Internal Market Bill for the rule of law in the United Kingdom

A webinar presented by the IBA Human Rights Institute

7 OCT 2020 1800 – 1900 BST

This webinar is an urgent meeting called at short notice to enable the Bars of England and Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland to discuss the serious challenges to the rule of law raised by the Internal Market Bill. The Law Society and the Bar Council produced a briefing paper setting out their concerns for international, domestic law (particularly judicial review) and devolution here. The IBA previously held a webinar on the domestic and international legal implications of the Internal Market Bill which can be viewed here.

This webinar will concentrate on the domestic aspects and the role of the Bar in maintaining, protecting and standing up for the rule of law. The webinar will encompass half an hour of presentations from our eminent speakers and half an hour of questions for audience participants.

Jessica Simor QC
Matrix Chambers, Vice Chair of the Bar Council EU Law Committee

Lord David Neuberger
Former President, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, London

Read biography

Dominic Grieve QC
former Attorney General, London

Read biography

Joanna Cherry QC
SNP MP for Edinburgh South West

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
Director, IBA’s Human Rights Institute, London