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Friday 3 June (1130 - 1230)

Friday 3 June (1245 - 1250)

Friday 3 June (1250 - 1315)

Friday 3 June (1315 - 1400)

Session details

A panel of leading managing partners and a prominent business leader and sustainability guru will look into the future. Not only will they share their vision as to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead but they will also provide practical guidance as to what you should be thinking about in order for your firm to best position itself for that future.

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 3 June (1400 - 1445)

Session details

The stresses and strains of being a lawyer have long been identified but have been transformed into a major issue as a result of Covid. The good news is that more firms are taking wellbeing more seriously but are we doing enough and what do the associates think? Money is no longer the solution to attracting and retaining talent. There needs to be more!

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 3 June (1445 - 1515)

Session details

As firms face pressures from clients, courts and even governments to adopt legal technology, we see an increase in spending on legal technology. However, does that necessarily translate into an effective adoption of technology? We speak with some of our panellists who have been involved with digital transformation efforts within their firms to uncover what pitfalls lie ahead on the path to adopting technology.

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 3 June (1515 - 1540)

Friday 3 June (1540 - 1625)

Session details

For the leaders of tomorrow’s practices, getting a good understanding of how businesses are likely to resolve disputes moving forward is becoming increasingly challenging given the rise of international commercial courts and international mediation whilst time and costs issues continue to plague international arbitration. At the same time, there may be a need to build an
all-rounded team given the increasing use of multi-tiered dispute resolution clauses. These shifting trends are exacerbated by the impact of technology which the pandemic has foisted upon courts, tribunals, lawyers and clients alike. This session will explore what practice leaders should look out for in the dispute resolution space.

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 3 June (1625 - 1725)

Session details

This panel will be made up of leading general counsel from both Singapore-based companies and multinational corporations. They will provide their insight into how law firms are doing both generally and particularly with regard to the future. Do our clients believe that we are ready for the future and can serve them well into that future? We will hear the answer!

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 3 June (1725 - 1730)