The accelerated future and the post-Covid workplace

14 Sep 2021

Session information

Working from anywhere

Tuesday 14 September (1500 - 1600)


Does the increased frequency of labour mobility raise new employment, immigration, and tax issues?
How can these be addressed?
Who will decide the working place of the future?
Can employees refuse to work at the office?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Rebecca Ford Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
Luis Antonio Ferraz Mendes Pinheiro Neto Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Treasurer, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee


Orly Gerbi Herzog , Tel Aviv, Israel; Newsletter Editor, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
Ed Mills Travers Smith, London, England
Richard Reice Kauff McGuire & Margolis , New York, New York, USA