
JERL Submission Guidelines

Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law

Interested in writing for the Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, the journal of the International Bar Association’s Section on Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law?

The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law is the leading refereed journal in the field of energy and natural resources law offering global coverage of legal issues within these sectors. The Journal covers oil and gas law, mineral law (covering legal questions relating to minerals, including non-fuel minerals and the nuclear fuel cycle), coal law, water law and renewable energy law (which includes legal aspects of such matters as hydro and geothermal power, solar, tidal, wind and ocean energy, and timber and agricultural waste use).

The Editor welcomes the submission of articles that illuminate legal problems or issues currently faced by governments, companies and international organisations by setting them within their general legal, economic or political context. Of particular interest are articles that record the actual experience of lawyers resolving practical problems or developing legal devices or techniques, as well as those from academics contributing the fruits of their research into larger issues of law, economics or politics.

The Journal is published quarterly, with the cut-off for submissions being approximately 12 weeks ahead of an issue's cover date. The word limit for submissions is 10,000 words.

If you wish to submit an article, please read the following information:

Submit your article to the Editor by clicking the 'Submit your article' button and completing the TandF online submission form.

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