Ghana Judiciary and Bar adopt IBA Judicial Anti-Corruption Compact
From left: Benson Nutsukpui, Ghana Bar President; Dominic Ayine, Deputy Attorney-General; Chief Justice Georgina T Wood; David W Rivkin; Nene Amegatcher, past President, Ghana Bar and incoming IBA African Regional Forum Co-Chair
Ghana has become the second country to adopt the IBA Judicial Anticorruption Compact, and the first in Africa to do so. The IBA Judicial Anti-Corruption Compact is a document symbolising a unified commitment by the judiciary and members of the legal profession to prevent any corrupt practices from impacting the judicial process, to defend the rule of law and to uphold ethical principles throughout the profession.
The official signing took place on 21 December 2016 in Accra, during the final month of David W Rivkin’s term as IBA President.
At the core of the Compact is an individual commitment by all members of the judicial process – judges, lawyers, prosecutors and court administrators – that they will not engage in any form of corrupt activity, that they will report any instances of corrupt activity of which they become aware, and further, that they will work to reinforce an impartial and independent judiciary separate from other branches of government.
Read more by downloading this historic signing.
Download Historic signing
Related material
Download the IBA Judicial Anticorruption Compact signed by Mexico.