Webcast interview with ICC's former Chief Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo - film

 Luis Moreno Ocampo

Luis Moreno Ocampo (left) was elected to the International Criminal Court (ICC) as Chief Prosecutor in 2003. His term, which ended earlier this year, saw the establishment and development of the ICC as an international force for justice, including its first arrest, trial and conviction – that of Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga – as well as numerous investigations of controversial figures, and the bringing of charges against Omar Al-Bashir, President of Sudan.

In this webcast, Moreno Ocampo offers a unique insight on matters such as the successes and challenges of the ICC’s first decade, the legal machinery surrounding crimes against humanity and the future of the Rome Statute.

The interview was conducted by award-winning former CNN journalist Todd Benjamin.