The foremost membership organisation for international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies, the IBA was born out of the conviction that it could contribute to global stability and peace through the promotion and protection of the rule of law. Read more
International Bar Association
News and initiatives
Global Insight magazine All editions
Global Insight podcasts and films
Navigating AI regulation: EU focus
The EU AI Act and beyond
Mueller’s legacy
The Mueller investigation and its bearing on rule of law in the US
Tariffs, trade and climate crisis
Assessing US and EU relations with China
AI, lawyers and the law: interview with Marc Rotenberg
Chair, IBA AI Task Force
Issues in focusView all pages
IBA's Human Rights Institute
The IBA’s Human Rights Institute works to promote and protect human rights and the independence of the legal profession.
IBA projects
The IBA undertakes various projects across the breadth of its committees and other groups.
All projects and reports