
Special Projects Fund - formerly Eligible Fund

In 2007 the IBA’s Management Board took the decision to place, on an annual basis, part of any year-end surplus which may arise into a special projects fund. The monies in this fund can be used to augment the Association’s work, over and above those items contained in its usual expenditure budgets.

The Management Board has established a committee to assess any requests made for deployment of these monies. This committee works within the pre-defined criteria which can be downloaded below. The committee is made up of the IBA Vice-President, the Vice-Chair and Treasurer of the LPD, the Secretary-Treasurer of the SPPI, the Chair of the BIC, the Co-Chair of the IBAHRI and the Executive Director. The committee is authorised to approve requests of up to £50,000 without further consultation of the Management Board. Requests above this amount will be preliminarily reviewed by the committee for recommendation, but will be referred to the Management Board for final decision. The committee meets three times a year – at the early, mid-year and annual meetings.

The Special Projects Fund only makes grants to finite projects with a defined end date which will make a significant contribution to the aims of the IBA and is available for the use of internal committees of the IBA only.

The objectives for the Special Projects Fund are:

  • To give value back to members
  • To invest further in building the global presence of the Association

Download full criteria for use Application form

Application process

Please download the criteria for use and application form document. Once the application form is complete please submit it with supporting information to:

Talia Dove
Senior Executive Assistant
International Bar Association


All applications should be submitted by 1 January for consideration at the early meeting, 1 April for consideration at the mid-year meeting and 1 September for consideration at the annual meeting.

If there is an objective reason why you cannot meet these deadlines, then the Committee will consider applications outside of these dates on a case-by-case basis.

Reporting processes

On the completion of the project the applicant should provide a report on the final details of the project and final accounts within three months of the completion of the project.

How the money will be paid

Once the application has been approved, the details of how the payment will be made will be sent to you.