
News releases

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Brasil: Novo relatório da IBA mostra sub-representação de mulheres em níveis seniores em todos os setores do direito

Parte do projeto “50:50 até 2030”, o relatório examina a disparidade de gênero na profissão jurídica no Brasil.

Released on Aug 15, 2024

Brazil: New IBA report shows women underrepresented at senior levels across all sectors of the law

The International Bar Association (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) and Lexis Nexis Rule of Law Foundation have released the latest in their series of reports on gender inequality in the legal profession

Released on Aug 15, 2024

IBA’s Executive Director recognised for contribution to international criminal law with King’s Fellowship

The Executive director of the International Bar Association, Dr Mark Ellis, has been admitted as a Fellow to King's College London - one of the United Kingdom's oldest and most prestigious educational institutions.

Released on Aug 13, 2024

Former president of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo to give keynote address at opening of IBA Annual Conference

On Sunday 15 September 2024 in Mexico City, the keynote address at the Opening Ceremony of the International Bar Association (IBA) 2024 Annual Conference will be delivered by Mexico’s 61st president, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León.

Released on Aug 13, 2024

Ten years of the Yazidi genocide – IBAHRI raises concerns around international abandonment

With 3 August 2024 marking the tenth anniversary of the Yazidi genocide, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is concerned about plans for the international community to abandon the Yazidis in Iraq.

Released on Aug 5, 2024

The IBA Annual Conference in Mexico City is the gathering of the legal profession not to be missed

Released on Jul 29, 2024

IBAHRI condemns the sentencing of Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the 19 July sentencing of Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist for the Wall Street Journal, by a Russian Court

Released on Jul 25, 2024

Colombia: IBAHRI monitors potential threats to the independence of the judiciary

The IBAHRI monitors a pattern of recent incidents that appear to undermine the independence of the judiciary in Colombia, and therefore threaten the separation of powers, a cornerstone of democracy.

Released on Jul 23, 2024

IBAHRI expresses concern over criminal prosecution of Arundhati Roy and calls for an end to weaponisation of the law in India

The IBAHRI is concerned over the prosecution of individuals, including academics, lawyers, journalists, and activists, in India under broad, vague and stringent anti-terrorism charges levied under the UAPA.

Released on Jul 19, 2024

IBAHRI at the 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council: takeaways

With the conclusion of the 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC or the ‘Council’), held from 18 June – 12 July 2024, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) reflects on the key discussions

Released on Jul 17, 2024

Iran: Overturned death sentence of rapper Toomaj Salehi welcomed by IBAHRI, but executions condemned

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Iran to overturn the death sentence handed down in the case of the rapper Toomaj Salehi

Released on Jul 10, 2024

IBAHRI calls for new global approach to Sudan’s deprioritised conflict

With the world’s largest displaced population of 11 million, the world should not look away.

Released on Jul 9, 2024

In memoriam - Sternford Moyo (1956 - 2024)

It is with profound sadness that we learnt of the death of Sternford Moyo on 5 July 2024.

Released on Jul 8, 2024

Uganda: IBAHRI and L4L issue a joint letter on the alleged escalating threats to the independence of the judiciary

The IBAHRI and Lawyers for Lawyers have sent a letter to United Nations Special Rapporteurs, Commissioners and Expert Working Group members to express concern regarding recent judicial orders and restrictions on the Ugandan legal profession.

Released on Jul 2, 2024

Ukrainian legal practitioners visit The Hague for high-level training in international criminal justice

A delegation of 25 Ukrainian legal professionals recently travelled to The Hague to participate in training sessions to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of international criminal justice.

Released on Jun 28, 2024

IBAHRI welcomes Julian Assange’s release from prison with US plea deal, ending lengthy legal battle

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has welcomed Australia’s WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being freed from prison

Released on Jun 27, 2024

The Afghanistan Independent Bar Association in Exile is officially welcomed to the IBA Council

The Afghanistan Independent Bar Association in Exile (AIBAIE) has been formally granted membership status of the International Bar Association (IBA).

Released on Jun 17, 2024

El impacto económico de la abogacía es de 1,6 billones de dólares, según un nuevo estudio de la IBA

Los países con un sólido estado de derecho, apoyado por una fuerte profesión legal, consiguen mayores beneficios socio económicos conforme al estudio de la International Bar Association

Released on Jun 12, 2024

Singapore Management University wins 2024 IBA ICC Moot Court Competition

The Singapore Management University team has won the 2024 IBA ICC Moot Court Competition.

Released on Jun 10, 2024

IBAHRI urges US President Joe Biden to drop all charges against Julian Assange

The IBAHRI urges United States President Joe Biden, to drop all charges against Australian WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in relation to the Wikileaks publication, in 2010, of more than 250,000 leaked classified documents – exposing alleged human rights abuses allegedly perpetrated by the US army during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Released on Jun 7, 2024

Economic impact of the legal profession valued at $1.6tn states new IBA study

In this first known attempt to comprehensively quantify the legal profession's socio-economic influence, The IBA report on the social and economic impact of the legal profession reveals that the legal profession directly contributes $1.6 trillion to the global economy.

Released on Jun 6, 2024

IBA ICC Moot Court Competition opens its 2024 session with an address by the ICC President, Judge Akane

The 2024 International Bar Association (IBA) International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Court Competition has begun with a keynote address by ICC President, Judge Tomoko Akane.

Released on Jun 3, 2024

Türkiye: IBAHRI expresses serious concern over trial of six defence lawyers

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has expressed serious concern over the trial of six lawyers in Türkiye who were all former defence counsel for Adnan Oktar and more than 200 of his associates.

Released on May 28, 2024

Mexico: IBAHRI and 17 international civil society organisations have released a report on fair trials and the Ebru Timtik Award

On 14 June 2023, around 300 human rights lawyers, judges, reporters and associations worldwide attended, online and in-person, the third International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) and Ebru Timtik Award.

Released on May 28, 2024

New IBA GEI report emphasises the impact of current political and environmental developments on human resources

The latest report from the International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA GEI) states that political and environmental factors, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the climate crisis are together reshaping employment landscapes around the world.

Released on May 23, 2024

Panel of Experts Publishes Report Supporting ICC Arrest Warrant Applications for Crimes in Israel and Palestine

Panel of Experts Publishes Report Supporting ICC Arrest Warrant Applications for Crimes in Israel and Palestine

Released on May 20, 2024

한국 여성 변호사들, 법조계 고위직에서 남성 동료들에게 뒤처져

Released on May 14, 2024

The ongoing risks to journalists and media freedom: a salient reminder on World Press Freedom Day 2024

The IBAHRI commemorates this United Nations World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2024, by reiterating the importance of protecting and respecting journalists and media personnel around the world, who risk their lives to keep the public informed and shed light on injustice.

Released on May 3, 2024

Supreme Court of Philippines appoints IBAHRI as Amicus Curiae in Maria Ressa’s cyber libel case

The Supreme Court of the Philippines has recently accepted the amicus curiae motion filed by the IBAHRI in July 2023 in the case of People of the Philippines v Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr.

Released on Apr 24, 2024

Korea: Women lawyers lag behind male counterparts in senior roles in the profession

The IBA Legal Policy & Research Unit has released the Republic of Korea Results Report hat looks into gender disparity at senior levels of the legal profession in Korea.

Released on Apr 14, 2024