Interview with Carlos Ayala, Former President, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, July 2011

Watch an IBA interview with Carlos Ayala, Former President, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, July 2011.

Carlos Ayala speaks to the IBA about the case of Judge Maria Afiuni, arrested in December 2009 in Venezuela for freeing a banker facing corruption charges, in line with domestic and international law, and still held under house arrest at the time of this interview. 

The case, and the independence of the judiciary in Venezuela, was the subject of an IBAHRI report and panel discussion in April 2011. Read more

(24 mins)

Topics and timings

00:35:  An update on the case of Judge Maria Afiuni at July 2011
02:55:  'How do you expect the situation to unfold?'
03:47:  'Will Judge Afiuni have to be released because of pre-trial detention limits? Or will she be found in contempt of court?'
04:25:  Some background to the case and a discussion of conditions and health deterioration experienced in prison
10:37:  The charge of 'spiritual corruption' which Judge Maria Afiuni is facing
12:15:  'Will the hearing be open or closed, and will international monitors be allowed?'
13:55:  'What is the situation regarding the independence of the judicial system in Venezuela?'
16:36:  'What can be done to improve this situation in Venezuela?'
19:24:  'Is the problem of a lack of judicial independence widespread throughout Latin America?'
23:06: 'How hopeful are you that justice will be done in Venezuela?'