Business human rights issues for mining pursuits


Business human rights issues for mining pursuits

A webinar jointly presented by the IBA Business Human Rights Committee, IBA Mining Law Committee and IBA Public Law Committee, supported by The Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (RMMLF), the Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investment

11 FEB 2021 1630 - 1830 GMT

Business human rights is an important topic for the international mining, investment and human rights communities. In addition to receiving considerable attention by representatives of the mining, investment, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations, it is useful as a vehicle for addressing environmental and susteinability issues as well as the relationships of mining enterprises with individual communities and the countries in which they are pursued.

This webinar will cover topics such as business human rights frameworks; advising the mining industry on business human rights; the importance of human rights to the financing and investment communities; and issues on the ground relating to business human rights and the mining sector.

Download here the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and NCPs, provided by the Australian National Contact Point Independent Examiner, which will be referred to during this webinar.

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Certificates of attendance for this webinar will be provided to all participants who have attended the live broadcast for a minimum of 30 minutes based on verified sign-in and sign-out times. Certificates can only be issued to the name provided at the time of registration.

IBA members should use the email address you have on file with the IBA to register for this webinar if you require a certificate of attendance. Please make enquiries at


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IBA members




All session recordings will be available to all registered delegates; registration fees are non-refundable

Kevin O’Callaghan
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, Vancouver, BC; Advisory Board Member, IBA Business Human Rights Committee

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Stuart Butzier
Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Vice Chair, IBA Mining Law Committee

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Elise Groulx Diggs
Doughty Street Chambers, London; Co-Chair, IBA Business Human Rights Committee

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Jonathan Hoch
Head of Legal - Commercial, Anglo American, London

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Jonathan Drimmer
Paul Hastings, Washington, DC; Corporate Counsel Forum Liaison Officer, IBA Business Human Rights Committee

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David Orta
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Washington, DC

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Sophie Thomashausen
Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investment, New York; Vice Chair, IBA Mining Law Committee

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John Southalan
Independent Examiner, Australian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Perth

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