
Compliance - an unintended victim of Covid-19?


Compliance - an unintended victim of Covid-19?

A webinar presented by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee

supported by

With the economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the rise, companies and their leadership are focusing on their immediate survival. Compliance and risk topics seem to be put aside and officers might find it difficult to convey them to management boards due to their focus on financial resilience. On the other hand, as governments have been in urgent need of medical and other equipment, we witness ever increasing public procurements, many of them not following standard procedures or applying due checks. Compliance pays off significantly in the long-term, similarly with losses if a failure occurs - it is expensive, damaging and disruptive.

How do you protect your business and eliminate unnecessary risks in the era of Covid-19? What should you do in order to prevent various entities from using these times as an opportunity to take advantage? In addition, what is the actual current experience from the in-house point of view? Register for our webinar and discuss with the experts.


Michaela Ahlberg
Gentinge, Stockholm

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Andrei Gusev
Borenius, St Petersburg; Website Officer, IBA Anti-Corruption Committee

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Piotr Janecki
BSH, Warsaw

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Tomasz Konopka
Soltysinski Kawecki & Szlezak, Warsaw; Regional Representative Europe, IBA Anti-Corruption Committee

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Jitka Logesová
Wolf Theiss, Prague; Co-Chair, IBA Anti-Corruption Committee

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