About the ICC Lists of Counsel and Assistants to Counsel
The ICC is aware that the complexity and length of the proceedings before the Court usually involve rather high costs of legal representation. Article 67.1(d) of the Rome Statute ensures that accused persons who lack 'sufficient means' have their legal assistance paid by the Court (either fully or partially depending on their financial circumstances). Sufficiently similar guarantees are extended to indigent victims participating in proceedings before the Court (Rule 90.5 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence).
Under the Court’s legal aid system, counsel and other members of their legal team are more than adequately reimbursed and are also provided with budgets for investigations; reimbursement for travel to and from The Hague for counsel and associate counsel and related subsistence daily allowance.
The ICC is committed to facilitating ongoing training and support for counsel. As such, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 121.2 of the Regulations of the Registry, the Registrar organises an annual Seminar of Counsel during which counsel benefit from presentations and discussion from experts in international justice, court officials and their peers.
List Counsel also benefit from the guidance and support of the Offices of Public Counsel for the Defence (OPCD) and Office of Public Counsel for Victims (OPCV). The tasks of the OPCD include providing support and assistance to Defence Counsel and to persons entitled to legal assistance, such as by providing legal advice, research and assistance on legal issues of relevance to all teams. Similarly the OPCV’s tasks include providing support and assistance to victims and legal representatives in the areas of legal research and advice and in appearing before a Chamber in respect of specific issues.
Required documents
NB Candidates seeking to be admitted to the List of Counsel must provide all of the required documents as below for their applications to be considered complete. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Fully completed applications together with all supporting documents will be processed without delay by the Court. All applications are immediately acknowledged and completed applications are processed within a minimum of two months from the date of receipt.
Candidate application form
Certificate of good standing
Original or certified copy of registration with governing body
Certificate issued by the relevant authority of each State of which the person is a national or where the person is domiciled stating the existence, if any, of criminal convictions
Detailed curriculum vitae, allowing for appraisal of the candidate’s competence and experience
Valid copy of professional insurance policy
Legible copy of birth certificate
Legible copy of identity card
Legible copy of passport/travel document
Two passport size photographs
It is of utmost importance to fully understand and properly follow the instructions provided in the ICC Guide for applicants and related information, as incomplete or wrongly completed applications cannot be processed.
IBA/ICC Calling African Female Lawyers campaign press release
ICC Guide for applicants to the the ICC List of Counsel and Assistants to Counsel
ICC Counsel Support Section (focal point) contact details:
Tel: +31 70 515 8787; Fax: +31 70 515 8555; e-mail femalecounsel@icc-cpi.int
*Copies of the Guide for applicants are also available at ICC field offices.
Requests may also be sent by post to the following address:
Registry of the International Criminal Court
Division of Victims and Counsel (Ref: List of Counsel)
PO Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Or to
ICC – Counsel Support Section
P.O. Box 19 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands