
IT service providers' various difficulties during Covid-19


IT service providers' various difficulties during Covid-19

A webinar presented by the IBA Technology Law committee

supported by

DATE 18 June 2020

In recent years, many Western European companies have outsourced IT services to service providers, which are either based, or have substantial parts of their operations based, in offshore locations - predominantly in India, Vietnam and other parts of Asia but recently to some extent in South America - as well as nearshore locations in Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. Access to large, highly qualified resource pools in these offshore and nearshore locations has generally led to significant cost reductions and high-quality services for customers. At large, the move to offshore and nearshore locations has been a success.

Recent developments in the Covid-19 pandemic have included restrictions imposed by the governments of most countries such as complete lockdowns or at the least some restriction on the ability to carry on business on the ordinary course (for example, restrictions on which businesses can be open and the maximum number of people permitted to gather in places such as normal business premises). This has caused various difficulties for the IT service providers that can negatively affect their customers in the form of late delivery, non-compliance with SLAs and an increased risk of data breaches.

The webinar will explore these difficulties, e.g. in key jurisdictions, and discuss how to mitigate the risks of a non-performing service provider.

Mia Thulstrup Gedbjerg
Kromann Reumert, Copenhagen; Member of the board of the Danish Association of IT Attorneys

Gustavo Giay
Marval O’Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires; Membership Officer, IBA Technology Law Committee

Paulina Silva
Carey, Santiago; Vice Chair, Internet Business Subcommittee, IBA Technology Law Committee

Nazar Chernyavsky
Sayenko Kharenko, Kyiv; Vice Chair, IBA Technology Law Committee

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Sajai Singh
J Sagar Associates, Bangalore; Co-Chair, IBA Technology Law Committee

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