Webinar Law, Climate Change, and Agriculture: legal tools in the arsenal
Law, Climate Change, and Agriculture: legal tools in the arsenal
A webinar presented by the IBA Agricultural Law Section
The implications of climate change are clear, direct, and significant. Agriculture is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as farming is reportedly responsible for a quarter of total GHG emissions. By contrast, the share of farming on global gross domestic product is approximately 4 percent, indicating farming is highly GHG-intensive. Developing countries bear the brunt of the catastrophic impacts of climate change, being the least able to quickly invest in innovative adaptations.
This one-hour webinar focuses on the role innovative agriculture practices and technologies play in GHG mitigation and adaptation in climate change, and highlights the legal, policy, and institutional changes that will encourage innovation in developing countries.
Topics include:
- What is the role of innovative agriculture practices in combating climate change?
- How can one best jump-start innovation through legal, policy, and institutional changes?
- What is the role of the modern legal practitioner in addressing climate change in the agricultural sector?
- Nusrat Hassan, Link Legal India Law Services, Mumbai, India; Senior Vice-Chair, IBA Agricultural Law Section
- Theo Boshoff, Agricultural Business Chamber, Pretoria, South Africa
- Valerie Johnston, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
- Chris van Winden, International Licensing Platform Vegetable, The Hague, the Netherlands