Restructuring tools to navigate uncharted waters amid Covid-19
Restructuring tools to navigate uncharted waters amid Covid-19
A webinar presented by the IBA Insolvency Section
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As the expected scope and duration of the COVID-19 emergency remain unclear and its economic implications intensify, companies in most industries must take the steps necessary to ride out this disruption.
This webinar will provide an analysis of the measures made available in various jurisdictions to tackle the liquidity needs, support the restructuring attempts and preserve the business continuity of the affected but still viable businesses and will focus on:
- Moratorium, suspension of the duty to file for insolvency and other hibernation measures: a comparison among the various jurisdictions
- Liquidity challenges: have companies been able to efficiently access funding through government or central bank loan schemes that have been initiated to deal with the crisis?
- At what moment do you expect the hit of the debt wall? How long can we kick the can down the road? How will insolvency filing strategies change? Will there be sufficient time and liquidity to effect a pre-pack or are we looking at ‘free-fall’ filing options? Affected/dying industries vs industries with a future
- Life after Corona: what will have been changed in our minds?