Az International Bar Association (Nemzetközi Ügyvédi Kamara (IBA)) és az International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Nemzetközi Ügyvédi Kamara Emberi Jogi Intézete (IBAHRI)) sajnálatát fejezi, ki, hogy Magyarországot és Lengyelországot nem vonták felelosségre az EU helyreállítási tervével kapcsolatban, az Európai Unió azon aggályai ellenére, hogy a két ország nem tartja magát a jogállamisághoz és többszörösen megsérti az emberi jogokat. A két ország is…
Released on Aug 3, 2020
International Bar Association (Miedzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Prawników) (IBA) oraz International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Instytut Praw Czlowieka Miedzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Prawników) (IBAHRI) wyrazaja ubolewanie, ze pomimo obaw Unii Europejskiej zwiazanych z...
Released on Aug 3, 2020
The International Bar Association (IBA) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) regret that, despite European Union concern over the failure of Hungary and Poland to adhere to the rule of law and numerous human rights violations, the two countries have not been held accountable with regard to the EU recovery deal. The two nations are set to benefit from a EUR 750 billion recovery fund agreed by EU leaders to...
Released on Jul 31, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is concerned by the Hungarian government’s move to extend the state of emergency indefinitely, under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic. This open-ended state of emergency would provide an unrestricted mandate to the government
Released on Mar 25, 2020
A recent legislative change in Hungary may create unacceptable crossover of the role of the Executive into the judiciary while another amendment could inhibit human rights defenders supporting asylum seekers.