Karen Kaiser

Media Law Committee

The Media Law Committee is dedicated to gathering and disseminating, amongst its members and friends, knowledge in all areas of law related to the media industry.

About the Committee

The Media Law Committee is dedicated to gathering and disseminating, amongst its members and friends, knowledge in all areas of law related to the media industry.

This encompasses both content and communication issues. Content, as the core of media law, is traditionally governed by national rules, but communication has long ceased to be a purely national matter; and as it more and more tends to be circulated on an international or even worldwide basis, content nowadays is also to be seen as an objective of the international legal environment.

The globalisation of the world's economies may be seen as another thriving factor for the increasing internationalisation of all aspects of media law. But this area of law has not only expanded from the national to an international environment. Traditionally focused on the print media as well as on radio- and tv-related issues, the committee has also long followed the clients of its members, ie, the media industry, into new media businesses such as internet communication or e-commerce.

Cooperation not only amongst its members but also with journalists and other media practitioners has always been another of the committee's features. New developments in media technology and law are regularly addressed both in the committee's programmes at the IBA Annual Conference and in its newsletters.

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Subcommittees and other groups

The Media Law Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Media Law Committee Advisory Board