Speaker details

23rd Annual IBA Transnational Crime Conference

3 Nov - 5 Nov 2021

The Westin Palace, Madrid, Spain

Speaker information

Vania Costa Ramos


Vânia Costa Ramos is a practising defence lawyer at Carlos Pinto de Abreu e Associados law firm, Portugal, leading the International, European, Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance practice. She received her Masters of Criminal Law in 2008 with a thesis on the cross-border ne bis in idem principle in EU. She is the author of several articles on Portuguese and European Criminal Procedure and International Cooperation in Criminal Matters and guest lecturer (part-time) on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters at Centre for Judicial Studies, Portugal. From 2008 to 2011 she was a guest lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon. She is currently as researcher at the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the same Faculty. She is preparing her PhD with a thesis on exclusionary rules in the EU. She is a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on European Criminal Law and was elected a member of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) for Portugal. She is currently Vice-Chair of the European Criminal Bar Association and Chair of the Portuguese Criminal Lawyers’ Association. Vânia's working languages are Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and German.


Worldwide trends in extradition law

Thursday 4 November (0910 - 1040)

Session Co-Chair