Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, USASpeaker information

Jan Willem Hoevers
Jan Willem Hoevers specialises in international corporate finance with a focus on cross-border equity capital markets transactions. He advises corporates and financial institutions close to home and far afield. His regulatory practice ranges from buy-back programs to cross-border clearing and settlement, and from block trades to insider trading issues. Jan Willem is consistently ranked in the highest tier for equity capital markets in Chambers and Legal500, and he is described by clients as "thorough, hands-on and practical". He was named "Best ECM lawyer of the year 2014" (M&A Community). He has practised law as a resident lawyer in New York, Brussels and London.
Hitting the moving target: cyber, data privacy and artificial intelligence (AI) compliance and governance
Monday 31 October (1615 - 1730)
Room 206, Level 2
Session Co-Chair