
Speaker details

The Laws of Sports: fast and furious or stable and reliable?

13 Sep - 14 Sep 2023

The St Regis Marsa Arabia Island, Doha, Qatar

Speaker information

Manal Rmeity


Manal Rmeity is an experienced Legal Counsel with a lengthy career in Corporate Legal themes. She is specialized in the field of sports governance, particularly in Football, holding a Master's degree in international Sports Law LLM from the Universitat de Lleida (INEFC) in Spain. Currently, she is working as a Senior Legal Counsel at Qatar Stars League (QSL), playing a crucial role in the different standing committees of QSL and Qatar FA, including but not limited to, QSL Disciplinary Committee, QSL Club Licensing & Qatar FA Financial Control Committee. Further, Manal is in charge of ensuring legal compliance with any QFA, AFC or FIFA regulations, as well as providing legal advice related to regulatory, procurement, employment and commercial issues, including negotiating, drafting and designing several types of commercial agreements (Sponsorship, Broadcasting, License, Merchandising, ... etc.)


Sports economics and dynamics: too fast, too big?

Thursday 14 September (0900 - 1030)


Sports governing bodies: old framework and arising issues

Thursday 14 September (1100 - 1230)
