Speaker details

The New Era of Taxation

2 Dec - 3 Dec 2021

The Westin Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Speaker information

Michal Nowacki


Michał Nowacki is an attorney-at-law, tax adviser and partner co-heading the Tax Practice at Wardyński & Partners, one of the largest Polish law firms. Michał Nowacki provides tax advice on Polish and international M&A projects. He advises on transactions involving shares, enterprises and real estate. He is involved in reorganisation projects, including mergers, demergers and transformations. He provides tax advice on financing and debt restructuring. He is involved in transfer-pricing projects, including corresponding adjustments of income (the first project in Poland involving a unilateral corresponding adjustment of income by the Polish revenue administration), obtaining advance pricing agreements (APAs), and preparing transfer-pricing policies and documentation (local and master files). He supports clients in tax proceedings, including regarding transfer-pricing. He represents clients before the tax authorities and tax courts. Michał Nowacki is a member of the International Fiscal Association (board member of IFA Poland), the Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law, and the Mazovia Chapter of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers. He is a law graduate of the University of Łódź.