
Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Speaker information

Hannah Tümpel


Hannah is UWC International's Director of Communications and Engagement, as well as UWC International’s Company Secretary. UWC is a global education organisations with 17 schools and colleges around the world and national committees in 159 countries and territories. UWC's mission is to make education a force for peace and sustainability. By background, Hannah is a lawyer admitted to the bar in Germany, holds an MA in Mediation (Europa University Viadrina) and is an accredited mediator in Germany and the UK (CEDR). She is an alumna of UWC Adriatic in Italy (1996-1998) and since 1998 was a volunteer with UWC Germany - heading for numerous year the UWC Germany Alumni Association, as well as being a Board member of the UWC Germany foundation. Prior to joining UWC International, Hannah was Senior Counsel and Manager of the International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) after having worked for the ICC International Court of Arbitration.


Changes in national law and their role for promoting alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Thursday 12 October (0930 - 1230)

Room C3.4, Convention Centre, Level 3
