Lawyers on the front line - the refugee crisis in Greece

Thursday 17 August 2017

This film shines a light on the refugee crisis in Greece in 2017, and particularly on Lesvos, and hears from some of the people involved in assisting refugees, representing legal, humanitarian and media organisations.


Featured interviewees

Ariel Ricker, Executive Director, Advocates Abroad
Efi Stathopolou, Volunteer, Advocates Abroad
Achilles Tzemos, Field Coordinator for Lesvos, Medecins sans Frontieres
Giorgios Dafnis, Protection Associate, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Anahi Ayala, Humanitarian Director, Internews


Related items

  • IBA Global Insight June/July 2018 article: Did we manage this? - Global Insight assesses the wide-ranging responses to the ‘palpable panic’ and how effective they’ve been.
  • IBA Global Insight April/May 2017 article: The unbalanced scales of refugee justice. Reporting from Athens and Lesvos, Global Insight met lawyers on the frontline of Europe’s refugee crisis as they attempt to gain access to those in greatest need of legal assistance.
  • Podcast: The unbalanced scales of refugee justice