Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America: New opportunities in a changing scenario

15 Mar - 17 Mar 2017

Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center

Session information

Simultaneous session - 'Multilatinas' M&A: the new regional phenomenon
Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center


Corporate Law Section (Lead)
Corporate and M&A Law Committee (Lead)
Latin American Regional Forum (Lead)
Legal Practice Division (Lead)
Regional Fora (Lead)
Regional Fora (Lead)


Although the transformation of Latin American companies began 20 years ago, as local business leaders began to perceive the need to embrace globalisation for growth and sustainability, multilatinas’ outbound M&A activity grew particularly strongly after 2003. Brazilian, Mexican and Chilean companies lead this expansion. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities that multilatinas face when they enter M&A transactions to expand their business across the region and beyond. Session Co-Chairs Francisco Illanes, Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos, Santiago Ignacio Pesqueira, Galicia Abogados, Mexico City; Conference Coordinator South America, IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee Speakers Jaime Cubillos, Posse Herrera Ruiz, Bogota Valeriano Guevara Lynch, Allende & Brea, Buenos Aires Alberto Navarro, Navarro Castex Abogados, Buenos Aires Margarita Oliva Sainz de Aja, Chadbourne & Parke, New York Hernan Pacheco, Pacheco Coto, San Jose Miguel Tornovsky, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, São Paulo; Regional Representative Latin America, IBA Securities Law Committee

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Francisco Illanes Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos, Santiago, Chile; Member, Latin American Regional Forum Advisory Board
Ignacio Pesqueira Galicia Abogados, Mexico City, Mexico; Conference Coordinator South America, Corporate and M&A Law Committee


Jaime Cubillos Posse Herrera Ruiz, Bogota, Colombia
Valeriano Guevara Lynch Allende & Brea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alberto Navarro DS Navarro Castex Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Member, Professional Ethics Committee Advisory Board
Hernan Pacheco EY Law, San Jose, Costa Rica
Miguel Tornovsky Pinheiro Neto Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Regional Representative Latin America, Securities Law Committee