IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C2.5, Convention Centre, Level 2

Session information

Poverty in the ‘First World’
Room C2.5, Convention Centre, Level 2


Poverty and Social Development Committee (Lead)
Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee


Are developed nations and economies doing their share to eradicate poverty? This session will consider national case studies of the United States, Australia and Spain, all of which have serious and persistent problems with poverty. We will investigate what the legal profession is doing in each of these countries to lead the struggle against poverty rather than just support it or deny its relevance. We will also identify strategies and tactics for lawyers in law firms who want to do more to eliminate poverty in their own countries and communities, whether developed or still developing.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Professor Neil Gold Neil Gold, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Senior Vice Chair, Poverty and Social Development Committee


Norman Clark Walker Clark, Fort Myers, Florida, USA; Chair, Poverty and Social Development Committee
Professor Bryan Horrigan Monash University, Melbourne , Victoria, Australia
Carmen Pombo Fernando Pombo Foundation, Madrid, Spain; Co-Chair, Rule of Law Forum