
IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C2.3, Convention Centre, Level 2

Session information

Towards global corporate criminal liability?

Wednesday 11 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C2.3, Convention Centre, Level 2


Litigation Committee (Lead)
Anti-Corruption Committee


As countries around the world try to improve business behaviour with ever tougher legal and regulatory requirements, this session will explore whether global exposure to criminal liability is becoming a reality for corporates and what may be coming next in this area. We will cover multijurisdictional liability and how to manage exposure to it, whether existing compensation regimes are sufficiently focused on the victims of corporate misconduct, and the impact of human rights law on business behaviour.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Bruno Cova Greenberg Traurig, Milan, Italy
Tim Strong Taylor Wessing, London, England; Vice Chair, Litigation Committee


Dr Felicity Gerry KC Libertas Chambers UK & Crockett Chambers Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Sandrine Giroud LALIVE, Geneva, Switzerland; Co-Chair, Young Litigators Forum
Janet Hoffman Janet Hoffman & Associates, Portland, Oregon, USA
Tean Kerr Lander & Rogers, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Taek Rim (Terry) Oh Lee & Ko, Seoul, South Korea; Regional Representative North Asia, Anti-Corruption Committee