IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C2.1, Convention Centre, Level 2

Session information

The future of liquefied natural gas and the Paris Agreement

Thursday 12 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C2.1, Convention Centre, Level 2


Oil and Gas Law Committee (Lead)


Natural gas is likely to play a pivotal role in a post Paris Agreement future. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) investments will be a key factor to the future of the oil and gas industry, and it is already influencing the strategy of many oil majors. This session will discuss the trends of the LNG industry for the future and how the Paris Agreement will affect the oil industry.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Jean-Andre Diaz DJAM CONSULTING, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France; Vice Chair, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law Section (SEERIL)
Professor Paul John Griffin White & Case LLP, London, England; Senior Vice Chair, Oil and Gas Law Committee


Mark Clarke
Kimathi Kuenyehia Kimathi & Partners Corporate Attorneys, Accra, Ghana; Membership Officer, Young Lawyers' Committee
Richard Nelson King & Spalding, Singapore, Singapore
Rosa Posada Bryan Gonzalez Vargas & Gonzalez Baz, Monterrey, Mexico
Andrey Zharskiy ALRUD Law Firm, Moscow, Russian Federation