
IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C3.5, Convention Centre, Level 3

Session information

Duties of confidentiality and the Panama Papers

Thursday 12 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C3.5, Convention Centre, Level 3


Professional Ethics Committee (Lead)
Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee
Anti-Corruption Committee
Bar Issues Commission
Closely Held Companies Committee


Lawyers in virtually all jurisdictions have duties of confidentiality regarding their clients and their clients’ affairs. In the past, there has been more ‘hacking’ of lawyers’ data banks to disclose such information in unauthorised circumstances. One example is the unauthorised disclosure from an internal source of the information from a Panama-based law firm. In addition, many other leading international firms have been hacked externally and many firms have implemented additional security measures to restrain or limit hacking. This panel will consider some of the ethical considerations relating to these matters. The IBA and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are carefully considering similar issues. The discussion of the panellists is not to be construed as any indication of the current or future thoughts of the IBA and/or OECD with respect to these matters. The questions relating to privacy and security of data and information are important to law firms.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Jeffrey Merk Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Secretary-Treasurer, Professional Ethics Committee
Steven Richman American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; BIC Officer


Stig Bigaard Advokat Stig Bigaard, Copenhagen, Denmark; Vice Chair, Closely Held Companies Committee
Ricardo Leon-Santacruz Sanchez Devanny, Monterrey, Mexico; Membership Officer - South America, Taxes Committee
Laurent Tam Nguyen Zico Group, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Aditi Rani Advaya Legal, Mumbai, India
Meg Strickler Conaway & Strickler, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Co-Chair, Cybercrime Subcommittee
Pieter Tubbergen Tremont Legal, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Website OfficerInternational Sales Committee