Challenges for the Insurance Industry

30 Mar - 31 Mar 2017

Session information

Developments in international insurance regulation


Insurance Committee (Lead)
European Regional Forum


In recent years, the regulation of the insurance industry has undergone tremendous change. The adoption and implementation of Solvency II in Europe; the insurance-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank legislation in the US; and the global standards adopted by the FSB and IAIS have all resulted in an unprecedented set of new capital, reporting, governance, supervisory and other regulations applicable to the world’s largest insurers and reinsurers.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Andrew D Brands Great West Lifeco, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Corporate Counsel Forum Liaison Officer, Insurance Committee
Jan Putnis Slaughter and May, London, England
William D Torchiana Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, Paris, France; Vice Chair, Insurance Regulation Subcommittee

Keynote Speakers

Thomas Sullivan Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Thomas Baxter Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York, New York, USA
Mark Cornelius Bank of England, London, England
Zoi (Jenny) Giotaki European Banking Authority, Westlake, USA
Patricia Plas AXA, Brussels, Belgium
Simon Ramage PRUDENTIAL, London, England