IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.5, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

Rule of Law Symposium: the anti-corruption revolution in Latin America
Room C4.5, Convention Centre, Level 4


Rule of Law Forum (Lead)


Recent months have seen remarkable developments across Latin America in the fight against official corruption, including the sprawling Lava Jato ("Car Wash") case in Brazil, which by many measures has already become the largest anti-corruption case in history. Elsewhere in Latin America, anti-corruption initiatives led by prosecutors, civil society activists, and multi-national corporations have begun to transform the anti-corruption environment throughout the region, with high-level investigations leading to resignations of heads of state, prosecutions of numerous public officials and corporations, and new levels of attention by corporations to anti-corruption compliance. Hear the perspectives and insights on these historic developments directly from prosecutors, civil society activists, and corporate compliance professionals who have experienced this "revolution" first-hand. If you wish to attend the Rule of Law Symposium only, please register at https://www.int-bar.org/Conferences/Registration/Delegate/index.cfm?uid=0BF42BC4-5233-44DB-BC41-8516FFE34C3B.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Homer Moyer Jr Miller & Chevalier Chartered, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Co-Chair, Rule of Law Forum
Carmen Pombo Fernando Pombo Foundation, Madrid, Spain; Co-Chair, Rule of Law Forum


Roberta Corbetta Pegas Telefonica Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil
Vanessa Silveyra de la Garza Transparency International Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico