IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Old Banco Court, St James Road Courts, St James Rd, Sydney

Session information

Mock trial: It’s the way business is done here, don’t worry! A fraud, corruption and money laundering trial of a multinational company and its chief financial officer (CFO)
Old Banco Court, St James Road Courts, St James Rd, Sydney


Criminal Law Section (Lead)
Anti-Corruption Committee
Business Crime Committee
Criminal Law Committee


This interactive criminal trial looks at the potential liability of a corporation and its CFO, charged with numerous counts of foreign bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and false accounting. The session will examine key issues of: • the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Australian courts over foreign corporations and their officers; • the criminal liability of a corporation and that of individual directors, officers and employees in the organisation; • the liability of a corporation and its CFO for the conduct of foreign subsidiaries and their agents; • the availability of plea bargaining to reduce or eliminate the criminal exposure of the corporation and/or corporate officers; and • avoiding the unexpected: anticipating and responding to parallel criminal and regulatory proceedings in multiple jurisdictions.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Robert Wyld Johnson Winter Slattery, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Tarik Abdulhak NSW Crown Prosecutors’ Chambers, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Shaul Brazil BCL Solicitors , London, England; Membership Officer, Criminal Law Committee
Dan Conaway Conaway & Strickler PC, New York, New York, USA
Bruno Cova Greenberg Traurig, Milan, Italy
Adriana De Buerba PEREZ-LLORCA, Madrid, Spain; Conference Quality Officer, Criminal Law Committee
Hon Justice Elizabeth Fullerton New South Wales Supreme Court, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Andrew George Doogue + George Defence Lawyers, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hannah Laming Squire Patton Boggs , London, England; Regional Representative Europe, Business Crime Committee
Riccardo Lucev Studio Lucev, Milan, Italy
Elizabeth Eileen Macknay Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Sonja Maeder Morvant Edmond de Rothschild, Geneva, Switzerland; Vice Chair, Business Crime Committee
Chris Maxwell KC NSW Crown Prosecutors’ Chambers, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Enide Perez Sjöcrona van Stigt, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Co-Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Hon Matthew Thomas Reinhard Co-Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Anthony (Tony) Thomas Victorian Bar in Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Brind Zichy-Woinarski KC W Brind Zichy-Woinarski QC, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia