
IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 229 A, Level 2

Session information

Antitrust litigation - local and global challenges

Thursday 3 November (1615 - 1730)

Room 229 A, Level 2
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Antitrust Section (Lead)


Private antitrust litigation, long the preserve of the US, is now also booming in Europe and elsewhere, and increasingly includes class actions or other forms of collective legal procedures. What are the greatest challenges for plaintiffs and defendants in multi-jurisdictional cases?  What has been the impact of EU Damages Directive and does harmonisation there need to go further? Does the success of private litigation mean that leniency policies need reform to restore incentives? What about monopolisation and dominance claims? How is damages quantification best done? Does the US experience have lessons for the rest of the world?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Julian Peña Allende & Brea, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Vice Chair, Antitrust Section
Mariana Tavares de Araujo Levy e Salomao Advogados, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Working Group Officer, Antitrust Section


Dr Tilman Makatsch Deutsche Bahn, Berlin, Germany
Anna Morfey Ashurst LLP, London, England
Kenneth O'Rourke Wilson Sonsini, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Elizabeth Richmond Clifford Chance LLP, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia