11th Annual IBA Finance & Capital Markets Tax Virtual Conference

17 Jan - 4 Mar 2022

Session information

Tax litigation


This panel will examine the latest cases that impact on crossborder finance and capital markets including on treaty abuse, other anti-avoidance measures, recent case law on financing transactions, managing international tax disputes and transparency issues.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Jonathan Schwarz Temple Tax Chambers, London, England


Marcel Jung MME Legal Tax Compliance, Zug, Switzerland
Michael Miller Roberts & Holland, New York, New York, USA
Luis Ortiz-Hidalgo Ortiz Hidalgo, Gonzalez y Hernandez, Mexico City, Mexico
Stefano Petrecca CBA Studio Legale e Tributario, Rome, Italy
Dr Dirk Pohl McDermott Will & Emery, Munich, Germany
Ryan Rabinovitch Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, Montréal, Québec, Canada