Antitrust content
Competition Law Treatment of Joint Ventures
Nov 2022
Book: The Mergers Working Group of the IBA Antitrust Section has formulated the first multi-jurisdictional survey dedicated exclusively to the competition law treatment of joint ventures. Covering 22 jurisdictions, the survey considers critical issues and questions that businesses and their advisers face when dealing with JV transactions in light of merger control and substantive antitrust laws. A practical analysis of key issues is also provided.
Information Exchange and Related Risks
Sep 2022
Book: The Cartels Working Group of the IBA Antitrust Section has formulated a comparative guide across 28 jurisdictions about the prohibition on exchanging commercially sensitive information among competitors, one of the most fundamental antitrust rules. Encompassing all global regions, it provides a compendium of best practices and key insights about leading cases, laws and regulations, as well as enforcement trends.
Competition Law International
June 2022
Journal: Competition Law International is the journal of the IBA Antitrust Section and is published two times per year. The June 2022 edition includes articles on the EU Commission's competition policy review, Hong Kong's competition ordinance six years on, remedy commitments in Brazil and UK collective proceedings.
Competition Law International
December 2021
Journal: Competition Law International is the journal of the IBA Antitrust Section and is published two times per year.
Competition Law International
June 2021
Journal: Competition Law International is the journal of the IBA Antitrust Section and is published two times per year.
Gun Jumping in Merger Control – A Jurisdictional Guide
April 2020
Book: In this book, the Mergers Working Group of the Antitrust Committee has formulated a comparative guide concerning gun-jumping across 21 major jurisdictions encompassing all global regions. As gun jumping comes to the forefront of antitrust enforcement in a number of important jurisdictions, this book is a timely and helpful guide for both in-house and outside counsel involved in cross-border transactions.