Accountability in Syria: The Role of the International, Impartial and Independent mechanism

From 13 to 15 March 2018, Natacha Bracq, Programme Lawyer in charge of the MENA region, visited Geneva to participate in a high-level panel discussion on Syria at the 37th regular session of the Human Rights Council.
During the visit, the IBAHRI co-organised an event with the Geneva Academy to discuss the work of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism on international crimes committed in the Syrian Arab Republic (IIIM). The discussion focused on the IIIM’s existing and future national, regional or international investigations and prosecutions of the most serious crimes committed in Syria.
The panellists were:
- Michelle Jarvis, Deputy Head of the IIIM and vice-chair of the IBA’s War Crimes Committee;
- Bénédict De Moerloose, Head of Investigations and Criminal Law Division, Trial International; and
- Ibrahim Al Kasem, Syrian Lawyer, Founder of the Caesar Files Group
- Robert Roth, Professor of International Criminal Law at the University of Geneva and Director of the Geneva Academy