IBAHRI's statement to the 34th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, raising concerns with the continued use of the death penalty, in particular when the death penalty is made a mandatory punishment for certain crimes.
Released on Sep 7, 2023
The International Bar Association and International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute condemn the killing of unarmed anti-coup protestors in Myanmar and the escalation in violence meted out against them by the police and security forces.IBA President Sternford Moyo said: ‘It is incomprehensible and appalling that the very people who should be protecting and serving the citizens of Myanmar, are instead killing them...
Released on Mar 5, 2021
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the recent spate of executions carried out by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, according to reports, numbered at least 48 during December 2020 and January 2021. A further two executions are reported to have taken place on 13 February 2021.
Released on Feb 17, 2021
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the execution of Ruhollah Zam, an Iranian dissident journalist and editor of the website and Telegram channel AmadNews. Mr Zam was arbitrarily arrested in October 2020 and sentenced to death for ‘spreading corruption on earth’. The sentence was confirmed on 8 December and he was hanged on 12 December 2020.
Released on Dec 23, 2020
We, the undersigned 26 Bar Associations, Law Societies, and organisations supporting the legal profession of over 14 countries, stand in solidarity with our Iranian colleague Nasrin Sotoudeh and other lawyers in Iran who are being persecuted by their Government for carrying out their profession diligently and in accordance with the law.
Released on Dec 7, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the assassination of senior Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on 27 November 2020.
Mr Fakhrizadeh, described by some individuals as the individual spearheading Iran’s alleged covert nuclear weapons programme, was assassinated while travelling in his car in the Abe-Sard region of Damavand Count, 40 kilometres outside of Tehran
Released on Dec 3, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR), and the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) appealed to the United Nations to hold Venezuela accountable for the 11-year persecution and prosecution of Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni, and to protect the independence of the Venezuelan legal profession.
Released on Nov 12, 2020
The IBAHRI opposes and condemns the death penalty without exception. We have actively called for its abolition since our 2008 Resolution on the Abolition of the Death Penalty. Capital punishment is a barbaric practice that does not serve justice in any manner. We call on states to abolish the death penalty without delay in line with the growing global trend towards abolition
Released on Oct 9, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the secret trial that led to the final verdict against the unnamed defendants who killed prominent dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2 October 2018
Released on Sep 12, 2020
In an open letter to His Excellency Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) expresses deep concern over the continued detention of political prisoners in Iran and calls for the immediate release of human rights lawyers Nasrin Sotoudeh and Amirsalar Davoodi being held in the country’s notorious Evin Prison. Mr Davoodi has since contracted COVID-19.
Released on Sep 10, 2020
The recent detention of prominent Belarusian lawyer and international mediator Liliya Vlasova is of deep concern to the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI). The IBAHRI urges the authorities of the Republic of Belarus to release her immediately
Released on Sep 7, 2020
TrialWatch – a Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) initiative – and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) have been monitoring criminal proceedings against investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono in Zimbabwe. Beatrice Mtetwa had been serving as lead defense counsel in the case. On August 18, the Harare Magistrates Court disqualified Ms Mtetwa from the case and ordered the Zimbabwean Prosecutor-General to consider….
Released on Sep 3, 2020
Para celebrar el Día Internacional de las Naciones Unidas de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas el domingo 30 de agosto de 2020, el International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute llama a los Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas a: apoyar el derecho internacional que prohíbe las desapariciones forzadas; intensificar las búsquedas de personas desaparecidas forzadamente; considerar como responsables y…
Released on Aug 28, 2020
To mark the United Nations International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances on Sunday 30 August 2020, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on UN Member States to: uphold international law prohibiting enforced disappearances; intensify searches for forcibly disappeared persons; hold accountable and punish those perpetrating enforced disappearances; and provide adequate remedy for the victims’ relatives, including…
Released on Aug 28, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is deeply concerned by the news of the probable poisoning of lawyer, prominent anti-corruption activist and outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation State, Alexei Navalny. The IBAHRI calls for an open, impartial and independent investigation into the situation…
Released on Aug 25, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the police brutality and documented torture of detainees in the Republic of Belarus following the controversial 9 August 2020 presidential election result that extended the 26-year rule of the incumbent Alexander Lukashenko. The European Union has rejected the official results, condemning the election as ‘neither free nor fair’. The IBAHRI calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all of the remaining individuals...
Released on Aug 20, 2020
The International Bar Association and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) are concerned by the recent arrest of prominent Zimbabwean investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, following the publication of corruption allegations against Zimbabwe’s ruling elite. In a series of documents....
Released on Aug 18, 2020
The International Bar Association and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemn Harare Magistrate Ngoni Nduna’s decision to hold prominent Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa in contempt of court and to bar her from representing detained investigative journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono.
Released on Aug 18, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) urges the Republic of Poland to ensure freedom of expression for supporters of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons’ rights. The IBAHRI also calls for an immediate end to the homophobic rhetoric currently espoused by Polish leaders, including President Andrzej Duda, who, in a campaign speech, declared the promotion of LGBT rights an ‘ideology’ more dangerous than communism.
Released on Aug 14, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the detention and use of force against peaceful protesters and journalists in the Republic of Belarus, following the announcement of the initial results of the presidential elections on 9 August 2020. According to the Central Election Commission of Belarus, the elections results indicate that incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko won with 80.23 per cent of votes. Several organisations, including…
Released on Aug 13, 2020
The International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has signed a joint statement alongside the Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales, the International Association of Lawyers (UIA), The Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers for Lawyers expressing concern for the safety of Turkish lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal
Released on Aug 12, 2020
International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Instytut Praw Czlowieka Miedzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Prawników) (IBAHRI) potepia zamiar polskiego rzadu wypowiedzenia Konwencji Stambulskiej – przelomowej europejskiej konwencji bedacej pierwszym na swiecie prawnie wiazacym dokumentem chroniacym kobiety i dziewczynki przed przemoca, w tym gwaltem. Przedmiotem traktatu sa explicite...
Released on Aug 10, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the Polish government’s 25 July 2020 decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention – a landmark European treaty that is the world’s first binding legal instrument to prevent and address violence against women and girls, including rape.
Released on Aug 6, 2020
Az International Bar Association (Nemzetközi Ügyvédi Kamara (IBA)) és az International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Nemzetközi Ügyvédi Kamara Emberi Jogi Intézete (IBAHRI)) sajnálatát fejezi, ki, hogy Magyarországot és Lengyelországot nem vonták felelosségre az EU helyreállítási tervével kapcsolatban, az Európai Unió azon aggályai ellenére, hogy a két ország nem tartja magát a jogállamisághoz és többszörösen megsérti az emberi jogokat. A két ország is…
Released on Aug 3, 2020
International Bar Association (Miedzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Prawników) (IBA) oraz International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Instytut Praw Czlowieka Miedzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Prawników) (IBAHRI) wyrazaja ubolewanie, ze pomimo obaw Unii Europejskiej zwiazanych z...
Released on Aug 3, 2020
The International Bar Association (IBA) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) regret that, despite European Union concern over the failure of Hungary and Poland to adhere to the rule of law and numerous human rights violations, the two countries have not been held accountable with regard to the EU recovery deal. The two nations are set to benefit from a EUR 750 billion recovery fund agreed by EU leaders to...
Released on Jul 31, 2020
International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute - IBAHRI (Instytut Praw Czlowieka Miedzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Prawników) potepia dzialania rzadu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej podjete wobec profesora prawa Wojciecha Sadurskiego i wzywa do wycofania zarzutów…
Released on Jul 27, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the prosecution of law professor Wojciech Sadurski by the Republic of Poland’s Government, and calls for charges to be dropped.
Released on Jul 27, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) urges the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and the country’s authorities, to take necessary measures to respect the right to freedom of expression and to hold safe, free and fair elections in Belarus. The large number of arrests and administrative detentions of journalists and protestors attending mass events ahead of elections is…
Released on Jul 15, 2020
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has launched a number of initiatives to celebrate and support the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (UN Basic Principles) and the IBA Standards for the Independence of the Legal Profession (IBA Standards).
Released on Jul 13, 2020