From the Editor, October 2020

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Dear members of the Immigration and Nationality Law Committee,

As Anne and Catherine have mentioned, it is very gratifying for me to collaborate with the Committee and all of you in my role as Newsletter Officer since 2019, and I am very grateful for the appointment that fell to me to perform this role. Truly, it is very professionally enriching to directly know the scopes of the brilliant articles that each of you prepare, to coordinate with you – the authors – as necessary, and of course be able to cooperate with you in my humble capacity as Newsletter Officer, together with the IBA Content team, throughout these two years.

As you can see with our second e-Bulletin of the year, we have eight excellent articles that, added to the 13 from our first e-Bulletin of 2020, show your valuable contribution to our Committee, with the dissemination of different nuances coming from your respective jurisdictions regarding immigration and nationality law, despite the current difficult times in which we find ourselves.

These are unprecedented and challenging times, which we must face with faith and hope that better ones will come. The Covid-19 pandemic has completely turned people's lives upside down, with the loss of relatives, friends and colleagues, as well as impacting us in our law practice as immigration lawyers, with borders being closed and migration being brought to a complete standstill. It makes us realise that the way we used to work only six months or a little more ago has changed considerably. All of this is added to how our respective governments are handling this pandemic, that brings with it economic crisis, social upheaval and affects us emotionally and mentally. However, we must be strong – this will pass, and soon we will be able to give each other warm and sincere hugs again.

Finally, let me invite and encourage you all to continue participating with more contributions of content in the future, as well as in all of the IBA’s events such as webinars and the upcoming Virtually Together Conference in November, and hopefully soon at IBA events in person.

Take care all of you, and of your loved ones.

Stay safe, everyone!

Ariel Orrego-Villacorta


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