Speaker details

Global Professional Ethics Symposium - challenges and opportunities of the new normal for ethics in the legal profession

16 Jun - 17 Jun 2022

Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan, Italy

Speaker information

Maurizio Molinari


Maurizio Molinari, born in Rome in 1964, is the Editor in chief of the Italian daily news La Repubblica since April 23, 2020. He studied at the Manchester College and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem before taking his degrees in Foreign Policy and History at Rome University. He started as a journalist in 1984 at La Voce Repubblicana, worked on Foreign and Security Affairs in different newspapers and tv and in 1997 arrived at La Stampa as diplomatic correspondent, and then was posted in Brussels, New York and Jerusalem-Ramallah. He became Editor in chief of La Stampa in 2016 and left in 2020 to take his present position at La Repubblica. Since 1989 he covered the conflicts in the Balkans, Middle East and Horn of Africa. Among the leaders he interviewed there are the US presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Condoleezza Rice, Madleine Albright and Henry Kissinger, the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Ban Ki moon, colonel Qaddafi, Saudi king Abdallah, Israeli prime ministers Netanyahu and Peres, Israeli president Rivlin, PLO chairman Arafat, Palestinian president Abbas, the Pkk commander Ocalan, the Iraqi Kurdish president Barazani and the Turkish President Erdogan. He published in Italy 23 books on foreign policy, including "The Caliphate of Terror", "Jihad", and "Atlante del mondo che cambia". His last book is "Il Campo di Battaglia. Perché il Grande Gioco passa per l’Italia” (La Nave di Teseo 2021)


Keynote Speaker