
Speaker details

5th Biennial Technology Law Conference_Technology and beyond: enterprise benefits and social and regulatory limits

18 May - 19 May 2017

Hilton São Paulo Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil

Speaker information

Jacobo Cohen Imach


Jacobo Cohen Imach is Senior Vice President - General Counsel in charge of Legal and Public affairs at MercadoLibre.com, and he also serves as secretary of the board of directors of MercadoLibre, Inc. He joined MercadoLibre (the leading e-commerce ecosystem in Latin America) in 1999 as the first lawyer and since then, he has been responsible for managing MercadoLibre's global legal and public policy team and advising the company's board and management on legal issues, corporate governance matters and public policy affairs. Jacobo leads a team of more than 150 in 6 different countries, providing advice to different business units from a legal perspective. Jacobo has served and holds positions on the boards of a number of technology, commerce and industry trade associations in Latin America. He graduated in law from the University of Tucuman, Argentina.


Digital assets and online advertising: production, protection and monetising IP

Thursday 18 May (1430 - 1600)

Hilton São Paulo Morumbi
