IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C3.3, Convention Centre, Level 3

Session information

Is Europe ready for increased levels of Chinese investment?
Room C3.3, Convention Centre, Level 3


European Regional Forum (Lead)
Asia Pacific Regional Forum


Chinese outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) into Europe jumped to almost €35bn in 2016. This stands in stark contrast with a further drop in investment by European firms in China. The growing imbalance in two-way FDI flows, persisting asymmetries in market access, and increased Chinese acquisitions of advanced technology and infrastructure assets have spurred a heated debate about related risks among European policy-makers, regulators and the broader public. The rapid growth of this investment activity by Chinese companies and the increasing capital outflows have also triggered a retightening of administrative controls by the Chinese authorities. It is in this context that the session will look at the issue from both a Chinese and European perspective. What are the current challenges facing Chinese investors in obtaining the necessary approvals and financing in China? How will the pace of outbound investment be affected by the decisions coming out of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (taking place immediately prior to the IBA Annual Conference)? How do Chinese investors approach a potential new investment into Europe and what are the principal challenges (both regulatory and cultural) for both European targets and Chinese investors in implementing these transactions? Can more effective structures be developed to enable two-way investment between Europe and China to flourish? The session is split into two parts: Part 1 (0930 to 1045) will look at the issues from a Chinese perspective and Part 2 (1115 to 1230) will look at the issues from a European perspective.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Christopher Owen , London, England; Vice Chair, European Regional Forum


Caroline Berube HJM Asia Law & Co, Guangzhou, China; Co-Chair, Asia Pacific Regional Forum
Adam Handley MinterEllison, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay Hinduja Group, London, England
Nikolai Muscat Farrugia Ganado Advocates, Valletta, Malta
Philippe Nicod Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva, Switzerland
Dennis Turovets EPAM Law Offices, Minsk, Belarus
Qian Xu BGI Genomics Co Ltd, Shenzhen, China
Ying Zhang JunHe LLP, Beijing, China