
IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Room C4.8, Convention Centre, Level 4

Session information

How to market in an age of social media: is the use of social media right for all firms in all jurisdictions? How to get it right?

Wednesday 11 October (1430 - 1545)

Room C4.8, Convention Centre, Level 4


Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)


Uneasy companions: social media and the law Lawyers and law firms across many jurisdictions struggle with using social media. This is not because lawyers are ‘old-fashioned’. Instead, lawyers are naturally cautious around social media’s ‘Wild West’ rules, medium-to-large law firms can lack the agility to respond in ‘real time’ and sometimes, where you are based can be a help or hindrance. Given these restrictions, many lawyers choose to ignore social media, or use it half-heartedly. This panel session will: • define the benefits that lawyers can gain from engagement with social media; • include insights into the different social media platforms suitable for lawyers; • debate ways to cope with the pitfalls of engagement; • examine ways to measure social media effectiveness; and • look at what should be in a social media ‘strategy’. The panel will include a marketing and public relations professional, a lawyer who promotes/uses his or her profile on social media, an in-house professional charged with managing a law firm’s corporate social media presence and a journalist who will outline ways in which the business and legal press use and reference social media.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Samuli Koskela Lexia Attorneys, Helsinki, Finland; Chair, Law Firm Management - Business Development and Marketing Subcommittee


Babatunde Ajibade SAN SPA Ajibade & Co, Lagos, Nigeria; Member, Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board
Anurag Bana International Bar Association, London, England
Zivile Genyte Ellex Valiunas, Vilnius, Lithuania
Clare Murray CM Murray, London, England
Raimondo Premonte Gianni Origoni, London, England
Pranav Srivastava Phoenix Legal, New Delhi, Delhi, India; National Representatives Officer, Young Lawyers' Committee