
3rd IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference

21 May - 23 May 2017

Session information

Sharing economy


Closely Held Companies Committee (Lead)
Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
European Regional Forum
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
Young Lawyers' Committee


This session will look at some of the legal and regulatory challenges and tension created in the sharing economy. The identity crisis – am I: • an entrepreneur? • a service provider? • an employee? Playing hide and seek with the tax authorities. To what extent should the platform be liable to the customer and to third parties? For example, a driver knocks down someone walking along the street while they’re driving a client. Legislating trust in the sharing economy: who is the guardian of consumer protection, privacy and safety standards? What can be expected from future legislation on the sharing economy?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Diane Bertrand Agropur Cooperative, Longueuil, Québec, Canada; Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
David O'Donnell Mason Hayes & Curran, Dublin, Ireland; Vice Chair, European Regional Forum


Johan Lubbe Littler Mendelson, New York, New York, USA; Co-Chair, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
Richard Spink Burges Salmon, Bristol, England
Dorothée Traverse Moisand Boutin & Associes, Paris, France