3rd IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference

21 May - 23 May 2017

Session information

How to advise disruptors


Closely Held Companies Committee (Lead)
Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
European Regional Forum
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
Young Lawyers' Committee


‘This can’t be right – why didn’t somebody tell me that?’ ‘Even though I am a disruptor, I do not like surprises from lawyers, investors’, etc. Key do’s and don’ts in being or advising a disruptive business and entrepreneur. This session will be a highly interactive exchange among disruptors, the audience and the chairs to share practical useful insights derived from ‘disruption war stories’. Topics will include: • We need to ‘lawyer up’. Does the disruptor need his or her own lawyer separate from any company counsel? Are some lawyers better at representing disruptors? Disruptive companies? We need a cultural translator: can the lawyer and disruption coexist? • We must choose a structure. How soon should anyone care? From the start, should we consider ‘KISS: keep it simple stupid’ or complex arrangements driven by tax and other legal considerations? • Do we own the keys to the kingdom? Who owns the intellectual property? How soon should a disruptor care? • We need help! Who are the best ‘partners’? • We need to raise more money or sell! What can be shocking about Angels, VCs and private equity; pricing and dilution issues? • Shouldn’t even disruptors adopt more professional Board practices?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Harvey Cohen Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; IBA Council MemberOhio State Bar Association
Nathalie Younan FTPA, Paris, France


Cédric Cohen-Lemberg MyJobCompany, Paris, France
Arnaud Gouachon PeopleDoc, New York, New York, USA
Emmanuelle Mühlenhöver Youkali & Wundr, Paris, France