6th IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference: The Netherlands – sailing the seas of global innovation

16 May - 17 May 2022

Session information

Interactive workshop two: selected finance topics: part one


Closely Held Companies Committee (Lead)


This interactive workshop session will explore recent trends in finance and the implications for closely held enterprises.

  • What are the key options for companies to finance their growth?
  • Is the division between equity and debt funding evolving?
  • How can we, as lawyers, continue to add value and ensure appropriate legal certainty for our clients in each of these models?
  • Have the regulators clipped the wings of banks and cryptocurrencies?
  • How is the face of finance changing?

In the first part of the workshop, delegates will work in groups to discuss a topic selected from the following:

  • Alternate forms of financing I: Fintech, crowdfunding and lending, and cryptocurrencies – what are the latest developments and the legal implications for closely held enterprises?
  • Alternative forms of financing II: loans with profit participation, convertible loans, options and other hybrid instruments – what are the latest terms and structures, and the legal implications for closely held enterprises?
  • New players as alternatives to banks: VCs and other non-bank players – what are the terms they want?
  • The rise of the regulator: what does this mean for the lending landscape?
  • Getting your business bank debt ready – how to act for borrowers when seeking bank funding
  • Forms of mezzanine capital and their implications for closely held businesses
  • Advantages and disadvantages of debt and equity financing
  • Restructuring (eg, debt equity swap) and refinancing – key issues to consider and the traps to avoid
  • Due diligence and the role of lawyers in various types of financing: opinions and counsel reports (reliance versus release letters)
  • Personal guarantees versus security

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Christian Becker GOERG, Munich, Germany
Bjarte Bogstad Bull & Co Advokatfirma AS, Oslo, Norway
Caroline Conrad-Behr Conrad & Partner Advokatur AG, Baden, Switzerland
Gabor Damjanovic Forgó Damjanovic & Partners, Budapest, Hungary; Co-Vice Chair , Professional Ethics Committee
Pierre-Alexandre Degehet KLEYR GRASSO, Strassen, Luxembourg
Jean-Philippe Jacob AARPI YARDS, Paris, France
David O'Donnell Mason Hayes & Curran, Dublin, Ireland; Member, Closely Held Companies Committee Advisory Board
Sharanya Ranga Advaya Legal, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Mercedes Rodriguez Giavarini Mitrani / Caballero, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Ehsan Shirzadi Loyens Loeff, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Robert Wintgens Hamelink & Van den Tooren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Helge-Torsten Woehlert HEUKING, Munich, Germany
Ilona Zekely Human Rights Officer, European Regional Forum
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