IBA War Crimes Committee Conference 2023: Pursuing justice in a world on fire

18 Mar 2023

Session information

Panel four: Blindspots in International Criminal Justice: Who don’t we see and why?


Having opened the day by highlighting innovation in international criminal justice, we close with an assessment of some of the pervasive blind spots in the field. While creative paths to accountability are developed for some communities, other atrocity situations persist with an apparent lack of resources, attention, and political will to pursue justice. In this panel, we will explore some of the ongoing crimes that have received relatively little momentum for accountability, such as the situations in Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria, as well as communities of victims that are often ignored, such as children.

Our distinguished panel will be invited to not only shed light on the particular blind spots within their area of expertise, but also to discuss commonalities between the types of crimes that go unprosecuted, the types of victims that often deserve greater consideration, and opportunities to push for more consistent, systematic accountability in our profession.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Toby Cadman Guernica 37 Chambers, London, England; Secretary, War Crimes Committee


Shyamala Alagendra United Nations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Cecile Aptel The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Geneva, Switzerland
Samuel Gebru Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Reade Levinson Reuters News, London, England