A summary of the 2018 IBAHRI activities in Kazakhstan.
Released on Jan 20, 2020
A summary of the 2018 IBAHRI activities in Tajikistan.
Released on Jan 1, 2020
News release, Tuesday 17 July 2018. In an open letter to His Excellency Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has called for the immediate release of human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, and for adherence to the international legal instruments that safeguard the independence of legal professionals.
Released on Jul 17, 2018
News Release: Thursday 19 April 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) welcomes the ruling by Trinidad and Tobago High Court Judge Devindra Rampersad that the nation’s law banning same-sex relationships is unconstitutional. With heads of state gathering in London this month for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), and due to discuss LGBT+ issues for the first time, the IBAHRI calls on all Commonwealth states to work together to repeal colonial-era laws...
Released on Apr 19, 2018
News Release: Thursday 08 March 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) urge the Brazilian government to reverse the decision that handed control of security to the military in the state of Rio de Janeiro following President Michel Temer’s signing of a decree for ‘federal intervention’ on 16 February 2018.
Released on Mar 8, 2018
News Release: Tuesday 13 February 2018. In an open letter to His Excellency Mr Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has called for the cessation of the persecution of human rights lawyers in China and for adherence to the international legal instruments that safeguard the independence of legal professionals.
Released on Feb 12, 2018
13 March 2018. The IBAHRI made a written statement at the Human Rights Council 37th Session submitting the finding of its report The Obligation to Mobilise Resources: Bridging Human Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and Economic and Fiscal Policies...
Released on Feb 2, 2018
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) conducted a scoping trip to Ukraine to assess the state of and access to the legal profession in the country
A summary of the 2018 IBAHRI activities in Azerbaijan.
In the letter, the IBAHRI expresses concern over the disciplinary proceedings against Judge Camelia Bogdan over her handling of a number of money laundering cases.
A recent legislative change in Hungary may create unacceptable crossover of the role of the Executive into the judiciary while another amendment could inhibit human rights defenders supporting asylum seekers.
From 20–24 November 2018, International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) collaborated with the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists, International Commission of Jurists, the International Development and Legal Organization, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) to hold the Annual Jurists Conference.
News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has released a video on torture prevention in Brazil in which local stakeholders and international experts provide opinion about the historical background of torture in the country, and the current challenges for its prevention and prosecution. The video also illustrates how the work of the IBAHRI is contributing to strengthening Brazil’s capacity to uphold its national and international commitment
News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. O Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI) divulgou um vídeo sobre prevenção à tortura no Brasil no qual atores interessados locais e especialistas internacionais opinam sobre o histórico da tortura no país e os desafios atuais para sua prevenção e persecução penal. O vídeo também ilustra como o trabalho do IBAHRI está contribuindo para fortalecer a capacidade de o Brasil defender seu compromisso tanto nacional como internacional com a
7 March 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) welcomes the report of the Independent Expert, particularly its focus on the right to health of persons with albinism. These are concerns that have also been touched upon by the Special Rapporteur on the right to health who has urged states to assess the needs of persons with albinism to increase their life chances and ensure their enjoyment of the right to physical and mental health...
On 1 March, on behalf of the IBAHRI and five other organisations, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) delivered an oral statement at the Human Rights Council’s 37th session. In the statement, the ICJ urged the Council to address the attack on lawyers and threats to the independence of the legal profession around the world with a particular emphasis China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey as examples of where such attacks had occurred.