
Tag results for 'Insurance'

The impact of Covid-19 on the global insurance industry

Released on Jul 15, 2022

First Chinese special representative securities action spikes demand for D&O insurance, but coverage availability remains unclear

Purchasing directors and officers insurance (D&O insurance) is a standard practice for public companies in the United States. The same is not standard practice in another major economic power, China, but that may no longer be the case. The demand for D&O insurance has recently spiked in China in response to the new Chinese Securities Law that went into effect in March 2020.

Released on Apr 5, 2022

Coronavirus as an insured event in Germany

Coronavirus as an insured event in Germany.

The importance of special conditions when coping with negative oil prices and Covid-19

The importance of special conditions when coping with negative oil prices and Covid-19

‘Free funds’ and premiums: Covid-19 and insurance contracts

‘Free funds’ and premiums: Covid-19 and insurance contracts.

The impact of Covid-19 on South Africa’s insurance sector

The Covid-19 global pandemic has caused disruptions to economies around the world and it is no surprise that the South African economy has not been spared. While the most devastating effects of the disease have been the number of infections (over 38 million worldwide) and number of deaths (over one million), its economic consequences cannot be understated.

Canadian insurance regulatory responses to the Covid-19 pandemic

Since early March 2020, Canada’s federal and provincial insurance regulators have implemented a series of significant initiatives in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and have also been making appropriate operational adjustments.

Covid-19: United States insurance summary

Significant legislative, regulatory and litigation activity has occurred at both the United Sates federal and state levels in response to Covid-19 and associated business closures, unemployment and economic disruption.

The impact of Covid-19 on the (re)insurance sector in Ireland

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused reverberations throughout the insurance sector worldwide. Ireland is no exception. In this article, we discuss the Irish regulator, the Central Bank of Ireland’s (the Central Bank) response to Covid-19 in the Irish insurance market; the test cases in progress, and what the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) test case could mean for Irish insurers; and the likely future impact of Covid-19 on the insurance sector.

Non-damage business interruption insurance: the UK response

The manner in which insurance policies should respond to Covid-19 has given rise to a great deal of debate. In the United Kingdom, one of the most contentious areas of discussion has been in relation to the operation of non-damage business interruption (BI) policies.

An overview of Covid-19 insurance pitfalls in Portugal

Many policies in Portugal contain an expression when detailing coverage as ‘loss or destruction of, or damage to, the property caused accidentally’. It is found that Covid-19 is a disease that only affects individuals and not property.

The impact of Covid-19 on operational and contractors’ all risk insurance contracts in Latin America

As a general principle the pandemic is a ‘fundamental risk’, impossible to foresee and therefore uninsurable. Business interruption and advance loss of profit clauses do not provide coverage for losses to policyholders resulting from government isolation, quarantine, and prohibition measures, as there is no damage of either a physical or a direct nature.

Covid-19: a Danish perspective on business interruption insurance coverage

Covid-19 has had significant economic consequences for both the Danish and global economy. Many Danish businesses have suffered significant loss of income as a consequence of interruption of production, closure of stores, decreases in exports and demobilisation and layoff of employees.

The impact of Covid-19 on the Brazil’s (re)insurance sector

Although Brazil’s (re)insurance sector faces challenges of managing exposures during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brazilian insurance regulator is in a process of modernising the sector, which will result in opportunities in the near future.

High-profile insurance coverage litigations in the wake of Swedish government’s soft approach to Covid-19

New contentious insurance coverage issues have arisen worldwide, as businesses struggle to maintain operations and revenue in light of disruption and decreased demand caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as public measures to prevent and combat its spread. Although the Swedish government has taken a softer approach than many comparable countries, the legislative and regulatory measures following the soft approach strategy have led to a steadily increasing stream of high-profile lawsuits for business in

Covid-19: what to be aware of when handling claims in Chile

Chile has been experiencing particularly difficult times over the last 12 months, first due to civil unrest in October 2019 and, more recently, on account of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19: the effect on the Brazilian insurance market

This article provides a brief overview on the impact of Covid-19 on Brazil’s insurance market in the main lines of insurance business and some probable trending topics post pandemic.

Business interruption coverage insurance during the Covid-19 pandemic in Venezuela

The article outlines the current situation in Venezuela relating to potential claims arising from business interruption coverages.

The impact of Covid-19 on Italy’s insurance sector: business interruption and personal accident covers

The impact of Covid-19 on Italy’s insurance sector: business interruption and personal accident covers

The general impact of Covid-19 on India’s financial services sector

India’s insurance sector has not been able to insulate itself from the growth pressures faced by the economy in general. During the pandemic, the risk management practices adopted by companies are currently being tested.

The impact of Covid-19 on the insurance sector from a Turkish law perspective

Since February 2020, different measures and restrictions have been implemented by the Turkish government to control the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and to protect public health, while answering the sustainability and the continuity of businesses. Measure have included official curfews, travel restrictions and lockdowns. Insurance is one of the sectors that uncovered a number of grey areas in terms of coverages and disputes due to Covid-19-related losses under such insurance contracts as business int

Covid-19: Belgium's insurance market

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Belgium’s insurance market. The pandemic requires insurance undertakings and intermediaries to adapt to a changing regulatory environment and deal with forced operational changes.